Global Academy Economics

Academy of Certified Economists 

  Board of Governors

Executive Board - Global Association

Comm'r Prof. Dr. jur. George S. Mentz
(CEO/Chairman, AAFM) USA
Dr. Shpend Imeri PhD, ChE  (Chair EurAsian Relations)
Deepak Jain, ChE, CFP (Director - India Chair)
Mr. Konadu Yiadom BA,CEPA, ChE™, FCCE (Director - Africa Chair)
Dr. Yiyan Ningbo, MBA, ChE (Director - Asia Chair Singapore)
Dr. Ishaq Shafiq, PhD, ChE™, (Arabia Advisor)
Dr. Henry Isaac Adusei  BA, CEPA, FCCE, JSD (Director Association of Chartered Economists )
Dr. R. Santillian/Saldigo, PhD, ChE

 Honorary Latin American President

 Dr. Fauzi Hasan PhD, ChE  South Asia President
 Datuk Seri Sir Sean Rozario PhD ChE  Singapore Board Member and Royal Patron

 Honorary Global Advisors for the Academy

·         Dr. Lincoln B. S. Rosa, PhD, MBA, CompTIA ITProject+ SME, AAPM Member, IEC Fellow, ICECC, MCSE, Chair of GAFM Brazil, President of Silva Rosa Group. **

·         Prof. Dr. Niels Schnecker, PhD, MFM, CCE Managing Senior Partner, Schnecker van Wyk & Pearson – Romania

·         WONTUMI ODEI GODSWILL PETER, MFP Master Financial Planner, MFA Master Financial Analyst, CCFPMA Chartered Certified Financial Public Management Accountant, CITA Certified International Tax Analyst, and LLM Certification - (Oil and Gas) CertifiedEconomistSeal

·         Dr. Larkland Morley Ph.D. CEng FCMI AMC - Technology Leader, UK Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and BCS Chartered Qualifications Assessor

·         Natasha N J Andrews FCCA, CA, MMC, CIPM, BSc- Business Modeling and Execution Coach & Consultant at KEY Coaching Services, Trinidad, WI.

·         Dr. E. Oestriecher, CEC, A.A., B.E.S. M.Ed., Ph.D., N.D.. E-Business Executive, Booze Allen Hamilton – Anapolis, MD, USA

·         Maria Dulcita A. Lee, MSc, CTEP, AMA, MMC - KPMG US - Hon. Global Advisor

·         Dr. Prasoom Dwivedi, Ph.D. Ch.E. MFP, RFS, Member & Fellow GAFM – Senior Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics and International Business – Head, Center for Energy Economics Research – College of Management and Economics Studies – University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 248007

·         Tony Scatliffe II BSc CE & M., (Mediator) CIPM., MPM., GAFM., AMA., MCP., RBA., MQM., CPC., Honorable Global Advisor-US

·         President/Prof. Dr. Chung-Liang Huang (Vincent Huang ) , Ph.D., MFP, CWM, RFS, RBA- Taiwan – University President – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Mr. Christopher Jenkins, BAS (Management), MA (Management), MPM, CMRP, CIPM,MMC, FAAPM – Honorary Global Advisory Council

·         Dr. Tiffany Jordan, DBA, MBS, M.S., B.S, M.Ed (ABD), AMC, CHR, CLC, Hon. Global Advisor, University Chair/Professor/Advisor, Publisher/Reviewer, Apostille Agent, Notary Public, Founder of GBT Soft Skills Global Training Company – USA, Colombia and Global.

·         Dr J. R. Achoanya Ayam, DBA, MSc. CEMBA, BSc, CIMA Adv.Dip.MA, CIPM, AMC, Financial, Management and Accounting Systems Consultant.

·         Dr. Abdelmounaim Lahrech, PhD, ChE, AFA

·         Dr. J. Hudson Garrett Jr., PhD, MSN, MPH, FNP-BC, CSRN, VA-BC™, DON-CLTC™, C-NAC™, CDONA, FACDONA, PLNC- Hon. Global Advisory Council

·         Mr. Patrick Ssekidde, MAEPP (MAK), Dip Performance Audit (AFROSAI-E, Tanzania), ChE (GAFM), PMP (PMI-USA), PGD M&E (UMI), Member Uganda Evaluations Association (UEA), Specialized Auditor-Supreme Audit Institution of Uganda (OAG)-Honorary Global Advisor

·         Andreas Lehnhofer, MBA, AMC – Hon. Global Advisor USA Europe

·         Dr. George L. Salis, PhD. LLM, LLB (Hons), BS, FAD, MFM, CWM® , MFP Mas. Fin. Prof., CEPA Honorary Advisor

·         Prof. Dr. C. Bergström Stockholm School of Economics Department of Finance Head of the EFI (Economic Research Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics)

·         Direktor: Prof. Dr. D. Sondermann, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof. ™ Universität Bonn – Institut für Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

·         Dr. Carlo Jean Chalhoub, Ph.D in Economics and Political Science, Claremont Graduate university, California. USA. - Honorary Global Advisor

·         Prof. Dr. G. J. Charreaux Universite de Bourgogne Dijon Cedex, Bourgogne 21066 France MFP™ Mas. Fin. Prof.™

·         Dr. Paulo Jorge Araújo do Vale, MBA, CEFA®, CIPM®, ChE®, Post Graduate Capital Markets, Degree in Economics and Managment, Member of the Association of Portuguese Economists.

·         Marcus Egbiki, MFP, CHFM - Hon. Global Advisor

·         James S. Galco, J.D., LL.M (Tax), CTEP® , CWM®, Operations Manager, Trust & Investment Services, Honorary Global Advisor

·         Hon. Dr. Ishaq Shafiq, PhD, MFP, CEPA -Master Financial Prof. Quantum III Consultants Group, LLC – United States (ACCE Board)

·         Dr. Trevor Hamilton, CWM®, FBIM, FJIM, FIMCJ, President of Trevor Hamilton and Associates International Management Consultants

·         Dr. Obaid Al Zaabi, PhD – Government Training and Research at Securities & Commodities Authority UAE United Arab Emirates – Hon Global Advisor

·         Donald John Miod, MFP, CPA, ABV, CVA, CBA, FCPA, CFF, CFS, CGMA, MAFF – Partner MIOD AND COMPANY, LLP – Honorary Global Advisory Council

·         Dr. Edwin Moncada Ochoa MBA. MF. MSc. Ph.D(c) AMC, RFS. CCA. Profesor Area Contabilidad y Finanzas – Hon Global Advisor

·         Dr. /Assoc. Prof Anelia Radulova, PhD – Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov – Honorary Global Advisory Board

·         Dr. AINDRILA BISWAS, CRA Chartered Risk Analyst - India - Hon. Global Advisory Council

·         Sarah Egbiki, BA, MHRLR, CHR, CIPM, HR Consultant. - Hon. Global Advisory Council

·         Dr. Keyur Thaker – Prof. at Indian Institute of Management, Indore – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Fengshun “Leo” Bin, PhD, CRA – Assoc Professor of Finance, U of Illinois at Springfield – – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Prof Sir, Dr Christopher Oyat, PhD., Dsc., D.Litt., AMC., CIPM., Comp IMS.,CHR; DFEIFD., DFPFM., FCE., FCIEA., FBQS (hon)., FICP., FDTMS., Pr.FIGA., MNDKOA., LFICWLS., Professor of Management at The Business University of Costa Rica (UNEM)., Adjunct and Distinguished University Professor of Management and Business Research & PhD Reviewer at Ballsbridge University; International Board Advisor at International Academic Journal of Development Research (Cambodia); appointed PhD Reviewer at Sastra Angkor Institute; Research Board Advisor at Sastra Angkor Institute; Chartered Knight; Academic Fellow at St Clements University Group; recognized Professor of Management by Association of African Universities (AAU) as digitally archived; Honorary Global Advisor - Global Academy of Finance and Management (USA).

·         Dr. Gil Cohen, PhD, Head of the Finance Track Carmel Academic Center – Tel Aviv – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Dr. Margarita Bassabikova – Vice Chairmen of Audit Colleguim in Kazakhstan – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Dr. Dimitris Koumparoulis, Director of the Economic Department at the UGSM – Monarch Business School Switzerland – Hon. Global Advisor.

·         Dr. Ioannis Salamouris Assistant Professor of Finance at Hellenic American University – Honorary Global Advisory Board

·         Franklin Uzoma Ehichanya, Leadership/HR Strategist, Change management expert, Management consultant. B.Tech, CHR® GAFM.  Member, Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioners UK (MCIEP UK).  German DVT Trainer of Trainers in Administration (DVT ToT). Associate, Registered Admin Managers of Nigeria (A.RAM). Delegate, African Union (Y4P) on Peace Security and Conflict Resolution.  Team Lead, alternate education pathway curriculum development, German Nigeria DVT, GIZ/Abuja Chamber of Commerce - Honorary Global Advisor.

·         Mr William Chan, MFP, CAM, CRA, AIF, CFOS – Founder, Stamford Privee Family Office (hyperlink to , President, Family Office Exchange Asia (hyperlink to

·         Dr. Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, PhD, MS, MBA, MFP, FSB, Biomedical Scientist and Business Development Professional, Jakarta, Indonesia

·         Luna Christie Tjung, B.Sc., MFP, CVM, CPEP, CHP, Director of Fide Consultant Group, Singapore, Asia.

·         Dr. Mark Kayongo, PhD, MFP™, RFS™ – National Bureau of Standards – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Marche' Lemoine Clark, MS, BA., CCA., CIPM., (Mediator), (Facilitator), - Hon. Global Advisor

·         Dr. Gregory P. Green, JD, LLM, MBA, MA, CWM®, CAM, MFP, RFC, RFP – Colorado USA – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Linda J. Sulllivan, MBA, CPA, LL.M – USA Global Advisor – International Tax

·         Mr. Young W.Carr, MFP, RFS, CGM, FiSMM, IOM, DGG, AistIIB – Council Chairman AbeSA – South Africa (Hon. Global Advisor)

·         Prof. Dr. C. P Wolff, MFP – Maastricht University – The Netherlands Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, London

·         Emad ALDarawesh CWM® AFA® – Saudi Arabia – Hon. Global Advisor

·         Dr. Robert Munro, PhD, MA, MFP – Gainesville, FL University of Florida Law School – Co-Director, Center for International Financial Crimes Studies

·         Elizabeth E.M. Thompson, B.A., LL.B., MFP, Registrar General of the Bahamas, Barrister, Counsel and Attorney-at-Law, Master Financial Professional, Charter Professional Member Prof. Dr. Joseph Heinlein, Mas. Fin. Prof – Brussels “The Original US Business School in Europe” BU Belgium ** Now at NATO

·         Dean J. Mc Farland, PhD, CMA Chartered Market Analyst* Dean of The Tulane Freeman School of Business* Honorary

·         James Lavorgna, JD, CWM® , CFP™, LLM – Certified Trainer

·         Mr . Ahmed Elkhidir Hamed Elsinnary , CTP -CFC – CBA – CIAT –MCP – CRA – FAAFM , Financial and Management consultant , Cigalah Establishments , Group Chief Internal Audit , Saudia Arabia – Jeddah ( SUDAN )

·         Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan C. Bhat, Hon. Global Advisor for GAFM and AAPM, International & Grand PhD, FAAPM/FAAFM, MPM, CIPM, GPM, CPD and MFP. – India

·         Hon. Dir. Andrew Kane, OBE, CWM ® , CRA – CEO and Managing Director HSBC Private Banking – Wealth Management, California – Master Financial Planner

·         Prof. Dr. Pablo Fernandez IESE Business School Madrid Spain

·         Dr. Nicola A. Spence, PhD, CPM – San Francisco – Asia


·         Jack McCaffery III, JD, LLM, CWM ® MBA, DBA ABD, CAM, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof.™ *

·         Prof. Dr. Swarnankur Chatterjee, PhD, CMA, FAD – Athens, GA, USA University Faculty

·         Jonathan Dougherty, J.D., LL.M., CWM ® , CAM, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof.™ *

·         Prof. Dr. Shinichi Watanabe, PhD Mas. Fin. Prof™ – Belgium

·         Prof. Jean Bellemans, Mas. Fin. Prof – Brussels

·         Dr. Benjamin Findley, CPM, Colonel, USAFR (Ret) (Special Honorary Advisor)

·         Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Singh Rana, PhD (Financial Economics), Ch. Economist., UGC-NET, PFMA, M.A (Economics), Assistant Professor, A.P.B P.G College, Uttarakhand, India.

·         Dr. Taher R. Kidwani. CWM ® Certified Chartered Wealth Manager, CAM Chartered Certified Asset Manager, ChE Chartered Economist-economic policy analyst, GAFM Board of Honorary Global Advisors. Yusr Islamic Bank, Managing Director

·         Suraj Mishra, CWM®, MFP®, Special Advisor Asia – Global Advisory Council

·         Prof. Dr. Julia K. Brazelton, PhD, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof.™ Connecticut

·         Prof. Thomas W. Goldman, JD, LLM, FAD,CWM, MFP M. Fin. Prof.

·         Cody Tellis, JD, LLM, MFP, CWM, CTEP, CAM – California, USA

·         Bernard W. Bunning, MBA, JD, LL.M, CPA, PFS, CFP, CTEP, MFM, MFP, CWM,, CFS, CVA, CM&AA – Hign Net Worth Consulting

·         Phillippe Chan, Chief Financial Officer, BNP paribas (Hong Kong)

·         Dr. Min WU, MFP, CWM, – Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

·         Dr. Alfred Kahl, PhD Canada and US Mas. Fin. Prof. **

·         Prof. Lena Booth, Thunderbird Am. Grad. School of Int’l Mgmt. Finance Department World Business US and Singapore

·         H. Freedman, JD, MBA, RFS, MFM, RBA – Advisor – Florida

·         Prof. Dr. Rajesh Mohnot, Acad. Head FTMS Business School in Singapore, RBA, MFP™ Mas. F.P.

·         Prof. Edwin D. Dimaculangan, CPA, MBA, RFA Philippines

·         Prof. Dr. Gary K. Hunter, Ph.D. Arizona State University

·         Peggie A. Russell, J.D, RBA – Business Analyst – Tennessee, USA (Honorary Global Advisor)

·         Michael Hsu, J.D., MPF, CTEP, CWM

·         Renee Fisher, Esq. BA, LLB, MBA, CAM, Nassau Bahamas

·     V.Madhesh Chith Bhavan B.E, MBA , MPM , CIPM., Business Development Manager

·    Prof. Einar J. Velarde Marin, M.A. - ChE Chartered Economist - Global Advisor

·   Dr. Kossivi A. Afanvi, MD, CMgr MCMI (Chartered Manager Member of CMI), ChHE (Chartered Health Economist), Departement de Sante Publique-Faculte des Sciences de Sante, Universite de Lome-Togo.

·   Dr. Taher R. Kidwani. CWM ® Certified Chartered Wealth Manager, CAM Chartered Certified Asset Manager, ChE Chartered Economist-economic policy analyst











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Famous Economics Quote

Friedrich August von Hayek, 1974 Nobel Prize Winner

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."

 Chartered Economist ChE

ChE Chartered Economist ®